
Cardinal Egan’s Dishes


To the Editor:

I was touched by your recent “In Memoriam” issue for His Eminence Cardinal Edward M. Egan (CNY, March 12). He was a great man who impacted many lives. I thought I would share a brief story. You see, I have Cardinal Egan’s dishes!

A few years ago, I was looking to get a new set of dishes and I had a particular brand and style in mind. I called a number of stores, but kept striking out. Finally, at one store on the Upper East Side, I spoke with a nice young salesman who also happened to be Catholic. He told me that they were out of these dishes, with one exception. Earlier that day, Cardinal Egan, then retired, actually came in and bought a set of the dishes. He then went home, opened up the box and, for whatever reason, changed his mind and returned the unused dishes. The salesman even offered me a discount because the box had been opened.  

Needless to say, I rushed right over and bought the dishes. Since then, at every meal, I am blessed to use the dishes that had belonged to Cardinal Egan.

Isabella M. De Sola
