
‘Everyday’ Faith


To the Editor:

For the most part, it is the faith of our fathers that has brought us to where we are today. We should have unflinching gratitude for having the baton passed to us—as well as recognition of the responsibility attached to it. Please accept my and my entire family’s condolences for the recent passing of your father. (CNY, Editor’s Report, Sept. 18). 

From reading your recollections about your father, I can only believe that your father lives on—not only in his just reward, but also in you and in everyone who he administered to in his own special way.

Like you, I experienced the strong faith of a father who converted to Catholicism. It has been my observation that, very often, converts are stronger participants and firmer believers in their chosen faith. They are not guilty of the complacency that can creep into the everyday life of those of us born into the Faith and too easily can fall into the trap of taking it for granted. Faith is an everyday job.

Ken Horstman

Staten Island