
Good Time to Talk


The dialogue taking place at high ecclesiastical levels between the Orthodox and Catholic Church is reaching a stage where Christian Unity is becoming a strong possibility, a reality. Perhaps now it should be addressed from the pulpit so that the faithful become aware and better informed of the direction our Catholic Church is going and what changes may take place, if any, in worship.

Many of us, especially older Catholics, were taught at an early age that the Orthodox Churches were regarded as “non Catholic” and should be avoided.

Now, Pope Francis is teaching us that the Orthodox Churches are our “brothers” and “sister Churches” in Christ and impediments “have been removed.” He respectfully calls Patriarch Bartholomew I of the Greek Orthodox Church his “brother” in Christ.

These are things that the faithful need to know so they can be prepared when unity comes and the holy and apostolic churches. As we say in the 21st century, “We need to talk!” This must begin from the pulpit.

Peter D. Aglione
