
Off the Mark


To the Editor:

We were pleased to see that CNY’s Feb. 5 issue reported on the Harlem March and Interfaith Day of Prayer to End Violent Loss in Our Community, which took place on Saturday, Jan. 31.

The caption, however, missed the main point of the event. Marchers prayed for an end to violence against and within the community. The day was devoted to praying for an end to police brutality and injustice in the court system, which disproportionately impacts the Black community, in addition to addressing “criminal violence in the community,” as referenced in CNY. We also prayed for an end to other forms of violence, such as child abuse, domestic violence and elder abuse, issues that cut across all ethnic/racial groups.

Martha Adams Sullivan, DSW,

Chair, Lazarus Project

St. Charles Borromeo/Resurrection Chapel
