
‘Test of Faith’


To the Editor:

During the process of Making All Things New in the archdiocese, St. Sylvia’s parish in Tivoli will be merged with St. Christopher’s parish in Red Hook. Both are located in the northernmost section of Dutchess County. St. Sylvia’s will be opened only on special occasions. 

I am a loyal parishioner of St. Sylvia’s and had hoped that Mass would at least be offered at the church on Sundays. St. Sylvia’s is a unique and beautifully constructed church with elaborate stained-glass windows and a sanctuary that rivals any other in the archdiocese. 

The reason for the beauty of St. Sylvia’s may be because it was a gift to our Blessed Mother for a miracle that resulted from a trip to Lourdes, France. The Redmond family, a well-known and wealthy family in Tivoli, had a son, Roland, who at 7 was sick with tuberculosis. The year was 1899, and there was no cure available. 

The family took the child to Lourdes, where he was placed in the curing waters. No miracle occurred. Maybe God was testing their faith? On the ocean liner home they may have prayed and accepted God’s decision. But then their son was completely cured. They were overjoyed. To thank Mary for her help, they built St. Sylvia’s. The church they built is a true gift to the Mother of God for her intercession. 

The process of Making All Things New may also be a test of faith of every Catholic in the archdiocese. One reason for the closing of parishes is the changing demographics. Catholics have moved away. Another reason is financial. There is not enough money to support all parishes. The question we Catholic have to ask is: are we putting our money where our faith is?

Philip H. Marsh

Red Hook