
‘Witness of Faith’


I would like to comment on Paul Jeffrey’s April 14 article concerning Cardinal Dolan’s April 9-11 trip to Kurdistan, an autonomous region of northern Iraq. The delegation gave an extraordinary witness of faith, hope and love that seemed to commingle with the concomitant model of the internally displaced Iraqi Christians. Suffering people evoked the merciful compassion and actions of the delegation. People suffering for the faith create an intense community of a heroic level of holiness, which cannot fail to have an impact on those observing and helping.

The article conveyed the consequential increase of virtue that resulted, i.e., increase of faith, hope and love, not only for the displaced Christians but also for the delegation. Likewise, this also has an effect on the CNY reader. Intercessory prayer, either individually or communally, has amazing effects. Just when one seems to need to see evidence of prayer results, God provides it. This may mean that we need to persevere in prayer before we see observable evidence. We should not give up praying and helping our suffering brothers and sisters in the Middle East.

Gloria G. Ausubel

Port Ewen