
‘Deeply Disturbed’


In response to the recent violence that took place in Charlottesville, Va., the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill would like to make known the following statement we have released:

We, the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, join our voices with those who have spoken out against the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Va. We stand in opposition to such groups as Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists who espouse hatred toward others. We are deeply disturbed when this kind of violence appears to be sanctioned under the guise of free speech. 

We support all those who work toward the elimination of hatred in all its forms and pledge our efforts to call for end to racism and intolerance in our country. 

As women of faith, we call upon our elected leaders at all governmental levels to speak out against the racism and hatred that so tragically evidenced itself in Charlottesville. We also call upon religious leaders of all faiths as well as civic leaders to raise their voices in speaking out against white supremacy, which undermines the principles of our democracy. 

Finally, we call upon our elected leaders to be accountable for their words and actions and to take responsibility for preserving and maintaining the unity and moral values of this country. 

Sister Mary Murray, O.P.


Dominican Sisters of Sparkill



The letter was written on behalf of the members of the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill.