
Scout Issue Not New


There appears to be some unrest with the concept of girls in Boy Scout units. (CNY, Oct. 26). This is not really new. There have been females in Scout units for years in Venture Crews, Explorers and even leaders of Boy Scout troops. Women have been Cub Scout den leaders for decades. When girls are members of an Explorer Post, at least one adviser must be a woman.

Due to financial needs, the BSA and Girl Scouts shared a camp in the mid-Hudson Valley. As a Scoutmaster at the time (and still a leader since 1964), I noted that the girls spent a lot of time watching the boys’ activities. There is nothing in either the Cub Scout or Boy Scout Handbooks that girls could not handle.

As far as camping is concerned, the rules have been in place for years, used by Venture Crews and Explorer Posts. It is simply another step in leveling the playing field between males and females.

Carl Sardaro

Milan, N.Y.