
Stop Funding


“Planned Parenthood” has been receiving federal funding of over a million dollars daily for decades. Although it is the nation’s largest provider of abortion services, Planned Parenthood’s treatment of women’s health issues is accepted as justification for federal funding, yet it is common knowledge that Planned Parenthood considers abortion to be merely a woman’s health issue.

Federal funding for abortion can’t be direct and publicly acknowledged, because it is illegal. While the funding is indirect, it is still effective.

Now the public is aware Planned Parenthood doctors have a side business going, along with performing abortions, as revealed by the secret taping of two Planned Parenthood doctors having lunch. They reveal the techniques of aborting, while keeping certain baby body parts intact, to ensure sales value. This tape was as shocking as it was revolting.

Let your congressional and state representatives know funding for Planned Parenthood must be stopped.

Deacon Jim Stahlnecker 

Staten Island