‘A New Birth of Freedom’


The following remarks were delivered by Edward T. Mechmann, assistant director of the archdiocesan Family Life/Respect Life Office, at the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally on the steps of Federal Hall in lower Manhattan June 8.

We are gathered here in a place where our human rights—including the freedom of religion—were recognized at the foundation of our nation.

We are gathered here today as people of many faiths, but we share some common truths. We believe that God created each and every human person in His image and likeness, male and female he created us. We believe that there is a purpose and meaning in our sexuality, and that there is a fixed eternal definition of marriage (one man, one woman, open to new life). We believe that fertility is a gift, and that every life is a blessing to be protected and cherished. We believe that we have the fundamental right to live according to these truths, to live according to our faith, and that no government, no law, can take these rights away.

But now, we are now faced with a government, with a law, that is trying to take these rights away. We are facing an ideology based on lies—the lie that marriage can be redefined, that fertility is a curse, that life is a burden to be discarded when unwanted, and that religious faith should be removed from public life.

This government is trying to divide us, and force us to reject the truth that we hold to, to reject our faith, and to live according to their lies.

We cannot stand for this. We are united in the defense of our religious freedom. We are united in standing up for the truth. We will resist this. We are not powerless—our unity and our faith in God gives us strength. We can do all things in Him who strengthens us.

Our resistance does not come with a spirit of anger or hatred. It comes from love—love for God, love for our nation, love for those who oppose us, love for our children and neighbors, and love for the truth.

We are not about politics. We are about principle. We do not ask for special treatment. We ask only for our rights. We are not looking to divide. We wish to unite, and heal. We are not seeking power. We are seeking conversion. We are not “protesters.” We are American citizens—and proud of it.

Later this month, people of faith across our nation will join in a Fortnight for Freedom—a great prayer for our nation.

We pray that our government will respect fundamental rights. We pray that all Americans will re-dedicate themselves to the freedoms we hold most dear.

We pray that our nation, under God, will have a new birth of freedom, and that faith, and truth, and liberty, will never be threatened again.