How sad to learn that Catholic New York will cease publication in mid-November. What an inestimable loss to so many.
I literally “grew up” with Catholic New York and its predecessor, the Catholic News, first as a home delivery boy for Holy Rosary parish in the Bronx, then as “editor” of the wrap-around parish page, and ultimately as an avid reader of each edition.
Each time I was transferred out of the archdiocese, Catholic New York followed me, happily keeping me up to date with the Church at home. And, I might add, making me proud to be a Catholic New Yorker, especially proud to show off each edition to others whose diocesan publications were comparatively puny.
I will especially miss the helpful editorial insights of John Woods and the award-winning photographs of Chris Sheridan and Maria R. Bastone, which so frequently told stories that words alone couldn’t capture.